Archive for August, 2008


Well, I think I’m getting sick now. surprise surprise!

My mom had surgery last year on her stomach/intestines and had parts removed. Well now she is having more complications. And of course she doesn’t have health insurance, so now that she’s trying to get it, nobody will take her because she has a pre-existing problem. He boyfriend’s job has health insurance and last I checked they had submitted an application to add her onto his plan. Hopefully it will go through so she can start getting things taken care of.

Then, my dad called me from the hospital and said he might have had a heart attack! I guess he has a flap in his heart. So, instead of the blood flowing normally, it swirls past the flap on it’s way out. Not so good.

Also, at work I added on Monday and Wednesday this week to work, since there’s no school. Well, I wasn’t really thinking because now I’m loaded up with homework, and I’m working a TON because of the DNC. They loaded up everybody and aren’t caring about over-time like they normally do.  

Last week I had worked on our Digital Art project and almost had it finished. I haven’t had the chance to pick up a flash drive yet, so I saved it and e-mailed it to myself. Only, it didn’t attach or something. So, I worked for 2 hours on it for no reason. Now, I have to completely start over on something else, because I have Excel, but not Excel Pro.

Needless to say, I’m super stressed out!

Bad news

So, the movie for Twilight comes out December 12th. Yay!

However, my big excitement before that was Harry Potter, which was originially supposed to come out November 21st. That meant two amazing movies so close to each other right before Christmas! It was like a wonderful Christmas present. Well, 2 days ago it was announced that it is being rescheduled to release July 17th of 2009!!! WTF? Harry Potter Bumped to Summer 2009

As excited as I am about Twilight, Harry Potter has been a longtime obsession of mine! lol. Warner Brother’s excuse for doing this was party because they believe it will sell more tickets in the summer months than during the Holiday season, which I find ridiculous. The other part, which I understand a LITTLE bit more, is that because the writer’s strike caused to many delays in the production of new movies, there would be a big gap in newly released movies. So Warner Brother’s is trying to fill that gap in. Such a stupid idea haha. Anyway, all the HP fans are in an uproar! We have had a pretty even distribution of the movies since they started coming out. About a year and  half in between. Now, this is going to mean 2 years, which is just plain silly. And I am very upset about it. The End.

PS I AM super excited about the fact that they are splitting Deathly Hallows in to two movies. But I think everybody would be sorely mistaken if they really thought they could put all that information into one movie. 🙂

PPS I also just read that because there is now that slot open for November 21st, Twilight is going to take over! I guess one good thing came of this 🙂


Well, I’m trying to figure this stuff out. I’m sure it won’t take me long, but at the moment it’s a pain in the ass! And it’s just another thing that I have to update! lol

Ok, so school just started and I am preparing myself to get sick! I always seem to get sick within the first month because of stress. Let’s not have that happen this time! It will be nice to have that random week off because of the DNC. Although, maybe that will just delay it.

Over the summer I tried to take it low. I went to Minnesota for 2 weeks for my cousin’s graduation, and of course I went to South Dakota to the farm as well 🙂 I also got to see my friend Christian which was awesome. I met him in Florida when I was nannying, but not until the week before I left! He then ended up going to Grad School in the cities, so I made it a point to see him a few times while I was there. Our whole friendship has basically been over then phone and e-mail however, so when we see each other in person it takes some getting used to!

Before I left for Minnesota I got completely hooked on reading the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. The fourth book just recently came out a few weeks ago, and I unpatiently waited all summer for it. Along with getting a few friends hooked on it as well! I’m such a horrible person 🙂